Friday, April 9, 2010

Holocaust Remembrance Day

Auschwitz Survivors In Israel 60 Years After Liberation
It’s good to remember the terrible things the Nazis did to the Jews. Not because we want to remember – I mean, who really wants to remember all the ungodly acts that were perpetrated on millions of people by a dictator-led regime. A regime that set out to make a so-called perfect world that would be made up of what they determined would be a supreme race of people.

If we fail to remember, it says that we care nothing about the millions who suffered untold punishment, pain, and degradation in the concentration camps - or those who were murdered in the gas chambers.

If as Christians we fail to remember the Holocaust, it says that we care nothing about God’s chosen people, the Apple of His Eye.

“…He has sent me against the nations which plunder you, for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye.” Zechariah 2:8

If we fail to remember, it says that that we have learned nothing from it and therefore it may very well happen again.

This Sunday, remember the Holocaust and pray for Jewish people around the world to come to Christ, their Messiah.

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