Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Pulling Together

Three young men playing tug-of-war
A great marriage is all about pulling together. But married or not, some things are hard to accomplish unless we have someone helping us. We worked in Mexico for 20 years and during that time we ministered with Pastors and Churches in poor areas sharing Jesus Christ among the people. Not only were the people in these areas poor, but the Pastors and their families were as well.

Our ministry brought in resources that helped the Churches spread the Word of God. Pulling together, we were able to reach thousands of people with the Gospel that would not have been reached otherwise.

One Pastor in particular touched my heart. His name is Pastor Guerra. His flock loves him so much and he loves them. He is an excellent Pastor and a powerful preacher, although he is poorly educated. Many have come to know Christ as their Savior through his faithful work for the Lord.

So what is so special about this man? His shortcoming is what makes him special. He’s totally illiterate. He can’t read or write. So, what miracle has God wrought that enables this humble, uneducated man to prepare his sermons? It’s the miracle of a loving, patient wife who can read.

Every night, sometimes for hours, Senora Guerra reads the Bible to her husband. God has given this Pastor an excellent memory and he has committed much of the Bible to memory just by listening to his wife read.

It makes God smile when we come together with others and lend a helping hand. Who do you know that needs you to come alongside and pull together with them? What are you waiting for? Go ahead, make God smile. 1 Corinthians 3:7-9

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