Monday, August 9, 2010

Let Go

Child flying a kite in a field in rural setting against blue sky
We often hear the phrase; Let Go and Let God, but how do we do that? Paul L. Tan wrote about a college student back in the nineteenth century who “took six postcards and wrote a large letter on each one of the postcards;  L – E – T -- G – O – D

He then put them on the mantelpiece in his room where he was living at school. One evening a draft blew through the window and the card with the “D” blew away. As he picked up the remaining cards, what he saw seemed to be a message from God, and the secret of the Christian life; LET GO. Only by letting go can you let God carry out His will in your life.”

Letting go and giving everything we have to God should be a daily practice for Christians. Why? Because we tend to hold on to “things” and take back “things” that we’ve already given to Him. Actually, we don’t own anything anyway. Everything we have is simply “on-loan” for a while. Well known author, Corrie Ten Boom understood this. She once said; “I have learned to hold everything loosely. That way it doesn’t hurt when God takes them from me.”

I have my own way of Letting Go and Letting God. In prayer I tell the Lord that I am giving Him what I’ve been holding onto - I name it. It can be one of my children, my husband, or another family member. It may be a person I’m angry with and haven’t forgiven. Instead of a person, it may be a sin. You fill in the blanks.

Then I picture myself picking up the person (or the sin) and laying them at the feet of Jesus. I give to Him what I’ve been holding onto, what I’ve been worrying about and brooding over. He takes my burdens away when I let go. “Cast your cares on the Lord…” Psalm 55:22

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