Thursday, September 2, 2010

Choose Wisdom, Part 2

Cape Rock Thrush with babies in the nest
Baby birds aren’t very quiet about it when they’re hungry. In baby bird talk, they squeal and holler until their parents feed them. While they’re still young, the parents begin teaching them where to hunt for their food and how to feed themselves. If the baby birds don’t learn this, they will starve.

Like baby birds, we must learn to feed ourselves spiritually from God’s Word and not expect others to do it for us. We are each responsible under God for our life and how we care for ourselves spiritually.

“The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish tears it down with her own hands.” Proverbs 14:1

As wise women, we must feed ourselves from God’s Word, and not expect others to do it for us. We must spend time in the Bible regularly, thinking and meditating on it. Our wisdom will be increased as we fill our hearts and minds with spiritual food. If we eat regularly from His Word, our wisdom will increase and we will be able to rightly judge situations that present themselves daily in our lives. Only by taking in spiritual food can we grow spiritually.

A foolish woman neglects the reading of God’s Word. She searches her own mind for the answers to life’s problems. She doesn’t know the Word of God and she thinks she doesn’t have time to read and learn from it. She justifies her busy schedule as the reason she can’t make time for learning spiritual things. A foolish woman lacks discretion because she pours into her heart and mind the things of the world. What pours forth from her lacks wisdom.

A Word to the Wise – Take a moment and open God’s Word to 1 John, chapter 1. Spend 5 minutes reading, and then ask God to help you read 5 minutes more tomorrow, and the next day and the next day, etc. Just 5 minutes reading God’s Word every day will change your life forever!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Barb, your word's of wisdom has touch my life today. I look forward to taking the 5 minutes you suggested and continue each day to help me grow into a wise women. As you said we can find excuses each day to stay busy and neglect God's word. I find myself doing just that. I don't want to be a foolish women, it hurts, I long to be wise in my walk with God. Thank you for your inspiration and may God continue using you to the fullest. Looking forward to reading more. Blessing's to you.