Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Don't Look Back

Ploughing with oxen, sowing seed broadcast and harrowing. In background agricultural tools are being made from wood. From 18th century edition of Virgil Georgics which followed the agricultural traditions set down in Roman times by Virgil. Copperplate engraving.
I learned a lot on the mission field. Many times, scripture came to life when I saw people living like they did in Biblical times.

In Costa Rica for example, oxen are still used to plow fields. The people there paint the oxen yokes with bold colors and create interesting designs that have been handed down from generation to generation. Many times we would see farmers plowing with their oxen on the side of a steep mountain and marvel at how they could do it. It’s definitely an art.

Once they start to plow a row, they don’t stop until it’s done. They must keep their eye on where they’re going. If they look back, they’ll get off course and the row will be crooked.

In Luke 9:57-62, Jesus is urging men to follow Him. First one and then another had an excuse. They said they must do other things first and then they would follow Him. But in verse 62, Jesus tells them, “…No one after putting his hand to the plow and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God.”

Jesus was comparing people to a farmer plowing a field. He wanted to show them that they would get off course if they turned around and started taking care of every day things instead of following Him.

Everyday cares still draw us away from the Lord and what He is calling us to do. We have to press on toward Him and what He has set before us if we’re to be fit for His kingdom.

Have you set out to follow Him? Then don’t look back, it will get you off course.

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