Saturday, May 15, 2010


Annual FDP Epiphany Conference
It seems like the harder I tried to find the time to write, the more things got in the way of writing. So here I am, with numerous obstacles out of the way, back to blogging!

One of the things that got me off track was some day-surgery to remove a small skin cancer and a benign cyst, both on my forehead. It turned out to be a bigger deal than I imagined. Thank the Lord the cancer was not threatening, and they got all of it! What I discovered in the process was my vanity.

You don’t know how vain you are until they start cutting on your face! After the surgery, they put a big bandage over both the surgery sites. To apply pressure, they piled cotton on top of that and then applied tape to the whole thing. I wore that big, bulging bandage for almost a week.

I looked like I had a big growth on my forehead that was covered with tape! I assure you, make-up did not help my situation. I had a feeling God was snickering at me. He knows how to deal with our pride, you know.

The big, bulging bandage has been replaced with a big, flat bandage which will be coming off within a week or less. I will probably have a whole new set of pride issues to deal with when I have no bandage at all!

I am in awe of the Lord for the unique ways He operates in our lives. While He’s been hacking away at my pride, I’ve come to realize how silly pride is. I actually got a big laugh at a teenager who looked at me in horror and said, “Oh my goodness, what happened to you?!”

Laughing is good - especially when you laugh at yourself.

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