Thursday, July 15, 2010

Miracle In The Fog

2marysrock041901 -- Fog lifts over the Blueridge Mountains and Marys Rock in the Shenandoah National Park, Virginia.
While serving as missionaries in Latin America, we had many opportunities to trust the Lord and live by faith. I remember one time in particular while living in Honduras. The roads there are sometimes dangerous and the government does very little to keep them up. It was early one morning and we were traveling on a road high in the mountains. It was a typical mountain road where the mountain is on one side and it’s straight down on the other!

As we came around a bend in the road, we found ourselves engulfed in fog so thick, we could only see a few feet beyond the car. There were three things that made the matter worse; the road was extremely narrow with a lot of switch-backs, there were no guard rails, and there was no shoulder where we could pull over and wait for the fog to lift!

The moment we entered the fog we began praying for the Lord to protect and guide us through it. We drove slowly, inching our way along. Suddenly, it appeared the road was making a curve, but the fog was so thick we couldn’t be sure that we could follow it.

Then we saw one short yellow strip dividing the road - then two. Visibility was so poor we could only see one or two stripes at a time, but what a blessing they were because now we could keep the car aligned with the road!

We filled the car with praises to God as we traveled slowly through the fog. Finally, the sun broke through, and as the fog lifted we noticed that there were no more yellow stripes. We laughed for joy and thanked the Lord for having the Honduran government paint those yellow stripes on the road to guide us through!

After our trip was complete, we returned home via a different route. Several days later we were talking with a fellow missionary who regularly traveled the road where we experienced the heavy fog. We told him about how we would have never made it through those mountains without the yellow striping on the road.

With a puzzled look on his face, our friend said, “I just traveled in that area and there are no yellow stripes anywhere on that road – you can ask anyone who lives there and they’ll tell you the same thing.”

My husband and I looked at each other in silence. The Lord had miraculously taken us through the fog with yellow stripes that He placed there just to get us through.

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